Data Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

US Labor Force Statistics for year 2014

The number of employed persons by occupation & age in US

This visualization can investigate how the 146 million employed persons in 2014 were divided up between ~550 different occupations. The occupations are grouped and subgrouped. The shade of the circle gets darker as we drill down the hierarchical group of profession. Each darker circle encloses all occupations which fall under its umbrella name. Black circle is finally an actual profession and further shows the age distribution within that occupation. Click to view and find details about any of the circles.

Age Group of working population in US

The bar plot shows that, majority of the working population in US lies between age group 25 to 64. Also, it is visible that majority of the population from the age group 16 to 19 and 65 and above is Unemployed

Popular Occupation Choice within US

The bar plot shows that, majority of the working population (more than 60k) works in Management related positions while sales and office is the second most popular occupation choice, While occupations from the category Natural Resources, construction and maintainance is the least preferred choice.

Hierarchical Representation of Occupations within US using Radial Tidy Tree

This tree help visualize the complexity of hierarchical data under observation. It captures all the pursued occupations within US in Radial Tree Representation

Management, Professional & Related Occupations

Management is the top most profession pursued by 4075k residents in the US. Most of the people are involved in Business and Financial operation occupation. Around 1265k US citizens are managers by profession. Also, around 1724k US citizens are Accountant and Auditors by profession. After Management, Professional & Related Occupation is top most profession involving Healthcare Practitioners and people related to Education Domain.

Natural Resources, Construction, & Maintenance Occupations

In this category, number of construction and extraction occupation related workers is more than any other category.

Production, Transportation, & Material Moving Occupations

In this category, Transportation is the top most sector having around 3,406k people working as Truck Drivers. and One interesting fact is only one thousand people are related to Mine shuttle car operators, the corresponding age group of these workers is 25 to 34.

Sales & Office Occupations

It consist of office, statistics from administration and sales related occupation. Professions like Retail Salesperson, Secretaries and administrative assistants are top most pursued within this category.

Service Occupations

This category consist of occupations related to services. Food preparation and service related occupations is the top most profession within this category having around 4000k people working.

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Employed persons
in thousands
The size of each black circle is scaled according to the number of persons employed. The bigger the circle, the more people who are working in that occupation